Dear Diary
March has come and went .... I had intended to write this entry in early March.... but time robbed away any hope for attaining that. My DEITIES have been good to me so far, and I am still counting my blessings.
Since the start of this month, my life was all about work. There were the occasion outings with my beloved friends and colleagues... but I have pretty much turned into one of those "work, home, sleep, work...." type. Mon beau was right - it is a choice, and I took it. I am not complaining. Just wish I had a little more time to do things I really want to do. Like the other night, I was craving badly to indulge in working on my vampire novel (its now close to 100 pages) but I could not summon the energy to power up my laptop and fulfill my indulgence. Though, I did have a day of fun doing kick-boxing, Cardio-Latino dance and aerobics.
Human beings are simply ironic. They tend to chide others for doing things that annoy them, but never reflect upon their own mistakes - especially those that they chided others for committing. Such as not responding to messages, having to repeat themselves because the other party is unable to hear properly, not paying attention when another party is talking. Call me particular - but I hold high regard for courtesy and for those who are imprudent, my claws come out whenever I meet one who displays bold acts of rudeness in my face (despite being warned).
Counted, and realized that I have close to 80 dresses in my wardrobe. That is not counting my skirts and other items in the same closet space. Pity I am petite... if I die soon, I have no idea who I can leave these clothes to (should I do a will to bequeath them).
Binged a lot lately. Perhaps due to stress. Need to lose weight- bought a lot of diet food bars to serve that purpose.
Why do people tend to boast and over-emphasize on famous or wealthy people they know or associate with? I do not get it. I have, within my own circle of kin, acquaintances and friends- those who are politicians, lawyers, doctors, architects and celebrities etc. But I have never been able to figure out why I might need to brag to the world of my association with them. A colleague once said, "Why brag about knowing someone famous/important? Why not become someone important ourselves so others will brag about being associated with us instead?" This.... definitely makes a lot of sense. While the poor souls are mentioning their influential friends, these same friends might not even remember the existence of these pathetic boasters! Now that is funny.
Tonight I seem to ask a lot of questions. I do have a lot on my mind.
I feel I have changed alot from the person I used to be. But then again, I have always been changing drastically. From a model student to a silly, rowdy tomboy during my middle school days; I became a nerd in my first year of high school, and then changed into a trendy bad girl type. In college, I was someone cold and aloof, then I became Miss Popular shortly before graduation. I was party girl turned boring and lately I have become very family-oriented.
What changed me? What is still changing me?
If anyone has any answers to my questions above, email me at to share your views.
On a happier side note - I have already received my first advanced birthday gift of the year! And what is heartwarming is that this gift is from a very close friend who has forgotten to wish me happy birthday for years... but this year she actually took the effort to get me a lovely Italian pen engraved with my name! Thank you my dear!! Mon amigas are already texting me to meet up for celebratory dinner. I love them.
But as the years go by, the day we are born is no longer significant. It is just another day. Another reminder of ageing. It is more about the precious moments spent catching up that matter more.
I shall leave this page here tonight. Till the next time.
Adieu, and kisses.