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Saturday, June 03, 2017

MAY was here

Dear Diary,

Well, well what have we now - mid year already? Yes, May was here, did a dance and then dissipated into the air. May had wings, like an eagle, swooping low only when its prey is in sight.

Anyway, just returned from a family trip to Hanoi, Vietnam, mainly in celebration of the Mom's birthday and belated Mother's Day. It was a lovely trip of bonding and relaxation, especially when we went onboard the cruise at scenic Halong Bay. Lots of feasting and I managed to do a little shopping as well.

Business-wise, I need another month or so to start doing the prospecting as am fine-tuning some stuff now. But it seems that cases are rolling in just yet - thank Deities. Work-wise, smooth sailing as well as cases continue to pour in too. For a while I was beginning to wonder if I wanted to switch tacks because I was just so tired.

Ironically, I seem to get more sponsorships now that I have decided to concentrate very little on the other Blog. I post merely once a week, alongside some OOTD shots but that's about it. Be a pity to give up completely, so I guess I will keep it around for reference, as a diary of past events. Sometimes it sickens me to see some bloggers acting like they are celebrities or "someone important" or even "reached the stage" just because they own a blog, or are invited to certain events. Please, get a real life.

Aced the French test (97% score) so I guess I will continue with my French course.  At least complete intermediate level. Need someone to practice with - otherwise I cannot recall how to speak 50% of it right now (fingers crossed).

Really, really, really need to shed those pounds so am changing the diet and cutting down on a lot of food I used to enjoy. Changing the entire lifestyle as well - no more late nights, but earlier mornings. Even if I have no appointments on weekend mornings, I should get out there, explore some areas and maybe grab a nice brunch with a book.

Already started on some Christmas shopping, if you can believe it.  Catching up with some friends and attended some events, as usual. Maybe will go back to writing short stories or a novel too, if time permits.

That is it for May 2017; thanks for reading. Take care and see you dearies again in a month's time *smooches*