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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reality of July

Photosource: http://thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2014/07/holiday-hong-kong-again.html

Dear Diary,

We have pretty much conquered half of 2014, and am slowly edging towards the
end, gradually. I don't know - with natural catastrophe going on, alongside budget conscious (yet conscience-less ) brats who substitute poison for food products, and diseases, wars etc going on - I am wondering if we are on the path of human annihilation?

Wow, what a solemn and sad starting line.

Ok let's start all over again.

Photo source: http://www.thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2014/07/brunch-at-working-title-cafe-bar.html

We have pretty much conquered more than half of 2014, and am going forward to more wonderful and fabulous upcoming events, are we not? Let's see.

The business plans are drafted and re-drafted but I expect to get a headstart on it very soon.  The driving lessons are re-booked so I can get started soon too.

These two alone, alongside my sports plans, shall soon replace my café-hopping, high-tea, brunch and eating expeditions. The same one that has been busy filling up The Other Blog.

I enjoy lovely meals with friends, at nice places over catching up and talking about everything (or nothing). However, the food blog has somewhat started a sort of competitive edge, a craze to constantly be on the lookout for new, interesting or raved about places. It is unhealthy physically and mentally, truth be told.

Photosource: http://www.thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2014/07/brunch-at-drury-lane-cafe-tanjong-pagar.html

A café hangout or two a week is fine, alongside with one or two good meals a week - solo or accompanied. But the purpose should be to catch up or try the food, not so one could simply be the first to write about a certain eatery, or the likes. I think I have gone a little obsessed beyond the call of "give me a review" duty, and it feels somewhat empty now - all the drinks, food and teas.

As a kid, I always thought it was glamorous to dress up nicely as an adult female, dining at some chic or romantically-ambienced restaurant with great views to see and be seen. I think I have my fair share of that, and it is time to revert back to something more interesting and meaningful - soon.

I managed to go back to Hong Kong, my favourite shopping, food and sight-seeing paradise and visitation. While some may form the impression that I am all about shopping and drinking, I am about to burst their bubble. I am more of an adventure seeker and I prefer to explore new places for cultural infusion rather than just do nothing but hit the malls or clubs on holiday trips. This defeats the purpose entirely.

Photosource: http://www.thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2014/07/chilling-out-at-fabrika-klapsons.html

I get very annoyed with two things actually.

Firstly, I really feel annoyed that some people takes forever to, or don't bother replying your text or Whatsapp messages (or Line or other IMs, basically). It is rude, yes - the same things they complain about when other people don't reply them. I bother to text only because I care.... really. It is easy to just slip off and easily forget about some friends, during busy times, and it is easy to make new friends. I do so because I care, or because I made promises to catch up or hang out before, so I don't want to break the promises. Hence when I text, I expect answers, even if it's just a "sorry, let me check my schedule and revert".  I don't think that's too much to ask for, right?

Once a friend, I would forever be a friend - even if attached, married or I've my own kids. If the people I bother to keep in touch with cannot reciprocate despite a less hectic lifestyle, then really, maybe I've been blind all this while. The day I stop texting, is the day I decide to sever all ties - and when I do there is no turning back (I feel no sense of loss when I choose to let something go).

Secondly, I am annoyed that just because I have been posting about some food expeditions, some people starting speculating that I am too free, and even not working (no, they're not colleagues- but friends and a couple of cousins). Oh please, no matter how busy one is - one needs to eat two meals a day at least, right? What makes them wonder I am not working through my café / restaurant meals, or working till 9pm every night after I complete an hour's worth of nice meal?

Everything is about time management. If one cannot manage their own time well enough to take some time to enjoy the finer things in life... then really, what are you working so hard for? The next generation?

Well I didn't mean to rant - apologies. Just thought of setting some issues right, thank you.

Black dress with front flap - the kind I'd been looking for, and a bonus gold collar-plate

Black dress with pleated skirt and stuffed neckline - and the straight sheathed design I have been looking for
Work-wise it has been one mad rush since I was left with one week lesser to attain my targets - something I must attain. I never thought it impossible to do so - 3 or 4 weeks, but a little whining got in some extra favors. On top of the made dash for targets, I was being made to attend a lot of meetings  - some redundant (I made that rather clear in person) that did not involve me, so that made my schedule even more hectic.

Last but not least, July also encompasses preparation for the birthdays of a few (note - a few!) good friends' upcoming birthdays in August. It seems I get along rather well with Aquarians and Leos, on a whole.

Been dreading going to bed lately because more often than not, I would wake up with stiff or sprained neck. At first I thought it was the pillow, but I realise that the same problem persists even though I wake up in different places. It's an excuse for me to go for my masso-therapy though :)

All right, it's high time to say goodbye for this month and hope to have you eyeing this page again a month later *muachx*

Friday, July 04, 2014

June 2014, for recollection

Dear Diary,

It is time for my monthly update on my personal blog. Truth be knownst, to keep updating just the other blog is a little daunting at times - impersonal, commercialised and a little routinized. Perhaps it is also due to the fact that it has turned into more of a food blog / beauty blog rather than the articles blog I had meant for it to be (the food reviews were just to generate viewership as a start).

Nonetheless, I am glad for some food tasting invites, advertorials, events and sponsorships I have received throughout the course of this blogging thingy, and also made some new, like-minded friends through this experience. I also do not believe in exposing friends' names or faces on my blogs for fear that their privacy may be breached - some of them may not want others to know where they've been at a certain time, hence the cover-up of faces and pseudonyms used.

Work had been stressful and I have yet to think of what other side businesses I am going to venture into, and my driving lessons have been delayed too. A couple of trips perked me up though. One was a day trip with the mom to an island nearby again - where we shopped and simply relaxed. The other one was also to a nearby island, but as a voluntary trip to build homes for the indigent - a laborious but very meaningful trip that I enjoyed immensely. No makeup, no work, no fuss, no muss - simply working and helping out.


Then there have been the usual food and drinks - Italian cuisine, Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine, brunches (note that I have moved from 3-4 course fine-dining craze to High tea craze, then buffet craze, and lately, brunches craze) - more of catching with friends over these meals , interesting new haunts / digs and also the re-acquaintance with some "atas" friends .

Besides the Beau, it has been a while since I have been able to find people with whom I can have intellectual conversation with - business plans, intellectual jokes, talks about politics, Literature, travels etc. Friends have asked me (out of concern) why is it I am drinking or going out so much - compensation for something? Lone? Melancholic? Let me assure you that it is really nothing like that. I simply like going out, meeting people and networking - and I have never felt so euphoric for quite sometime.  Though, it is scary whenever I feel so happy , because it doesn't last :(

Short, sleeveless polka dotted dress

My first batik dress - induced to buy :p

Another love at first side dress with pleated hem


Lastly, in conjunction with the Great Singapore Sale, I have been continuously contributing to the economy of Singapore's retail outlets. I need to stop shopping for the time being - since I will be going overseas in July pretty soon - my favourite land for shopping and everything else.

In the meantime, stay tuned, and stay with my in my thoughts ...smooches.
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