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Friday, September 25, 2015

Summing September up

Dear Diary,

Time for another round of lament and cryptic updates.  September has been the most exciting by far, in the entire 2015. December might be able to compete because of Christmas, but we shall see by then. Right now, it's a mad rush between work, the trip, planning for the impending wedding, business, seminars, the election, the festive rituals etc.

Firstly, there was the General Election. The walkabouts, writings, rallies attendance and helping out (paid and voluntary basis) were all very exciting and enriching. While the pre-Election had strongly positive vibes in the air, paving way for hopes of changes, the actual results were, to say the least, disappointing.  Actions always speak louder than words, and seeing was believing.

Then I went for the long-awaited Vancouver trip finally - vacation, visiting the Bestie & her hubby, and pre-wedding photoshoots.  Needless to say, the trip was packed with power catching-up, sight-seeing, introduction to some beautiful spots in the city, making new friends and lots of palatable food.  Coming back was hard, leaving behind the azure blue skies and beautiful place - never thought I'd feel so much for a place I hardly researched about. 

Being a nature lover, there were so many places to see, to explore, to immerse and lose oneself in. It was easy to imagine jogging by the sea, hiking up the magnificent mountains, camping in the wilds, frolicking in the lakes, etc. Even taking long walks in the woods or dining by the rivers were enticing events to look forward to - such tranquillity was bliss, especially in the loving arms of nature. This break has not only generated some interesting  business venture ideas between the Bestie and I, but also re-ignited my creative juices for writings, livening up my fried brains like a much-needed form of healing.

The clear skies and fresh air were being missed even more, because the moment we landed back in Singapore, blasts of smoky air greeted us.  Yes, the air was bad, and the haze was back, with incredibly high PSI readings. When I was younger I used to think misty scenes were romantic and beautiful - and they still are - but what we have here is warm, sooty and worrying, like breathing in volcanic ash.  Why relevant parties never do anything to curb this, over the years, is both puzzling an frustration.
Rushed back to Singapore on time for maternal cousin's wedding. It was great catching up with family members from across the border, over scrumptious food and lots of reds. The only way I'd attend weddings is if I really want to celebrate for the couple and wish them bliss; or there're networking opportunities in the guest lists.
Finally, Mid-autumn Festival (aka "mooncake festival"), where I get to eat my favourite mooncakes.  A little indulgence before another round of strict dietary monitoring and regulations, ahem!
GrandPrix Formula One car race was on as well, but I had no part in it at all this year.
And an entire list of events and media invites herein:
Watched a lot of movies on the flight to and back from Vancouver, because I could not sleep on the plane - The November Man, The Equalizer, The Spy, Kill the Messenger etc, but "The Conjuring" which was deliciously spooky really haunted me.  
The current song that haunts me would be Enigma's "Beyond the Invisible".
Having said that, time for me to go catch a few winks of sleep. Have a good month ma cheries, I shall see you in October 2016!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Au-gustation: the flavours and sentiments of

Dear Diary,

Another month has quietly slipped by; a busy one no doubt. I thank you for the readers who continue to grace this site without fail, even though it has relinquished into a more private, monthly publication over the years to make way for this blog.

The work and sidelines monopolized most of my time, and I am setting aside some of the activities (in order of priorities) to make way for the new interest I am currently pursuing. I shall share that in due course - something much more interesting, fascinating, exciting and lucrative.

There had also been the gown fitting - for the bespoke gown I have customised for myself.  I am rather pleased with the result so far; on my end I just need to shed more kilos. This is one of the outfits for the upcoming photo-shoot and probably tea ceremony next April - since I won't be renting a red "kua" aka cheongsam-styled wedding costume.

There were housewarmings and the usual catching up with longtime friends. As time goes by, I realised I have more and more friends born in August. Is it true that certain horoscope does attract people from certain zodiac signs as well? Hmmm...

National Day aka Golden Jubilee long weekend took place as well. I had the nails painted in honour of this special event. Over the 5 days it was work, relaxation and family time.  The country has just celebrated its 50th anniversary - will there be another 50 to come?  #foodforthought

Photosource: http://thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2015/09/singapore-night-festival-2015.html

There was also the Singapore Night Festival spanning over a few museums, design schools and churches along the Bugis to City Hall stretch. I managed to catch some pretty fascinating performance and breath the beauty of art once again - in the midst of busy-ness it has been easy to forget about my love for arts at times.

I also attended some media invites for events, and other events - one of which was at the prestigious Tanglin Club. It would also be my first time getting anything at an auction - a bottle of reds for a good cause.   I look forward to more!

Finally, the General Election is taking place really soon, so it is a flurry of excitement and activities. It is exciting from the back-end and the front-end, and it seems that people are starting to wake up and look around them - at the changes, at the deterioration. 

And just in case you are wondering, yes, I author the personal political site Sing-oppo-rean, a site written in laymen's terms for the average neutral reader.

Finally, I cannot wait for September 11 to come - polling, and then off I go for my Vancouver retreat!

Here are some of the media invites / events for August:
(i)  Soteria Nails Sponsorship / Bloggers Bash
(ii) Soteria E-style Rejuvenation Facial Treatment
(iii) Food Tasting at Greendot Vegetarian Restaurant
(iv)  Food Tasting at Nassim Hill Bakery
(v)  Korean 3-step Hair Treatment at The Comb Hair Studio
(vi) Food Tasting at Seattle Pike Chowder
(vii)  Food Tasting at Giovanni L
(viii) Survey / sponsored treat at Haagen Dazs
(ix) Nuffnang vs. Google AdSense
(x) Food Tasting at Perfetto Café

Thank you my dears, stay loved and see you next month!  *kisses*