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Friday, February 24, 2017

Fiesty February 2017

Dear Diary,

Another month has been taken off the calendar, thrusting us into the arms of March 2017. Seems surreal, how time flies, yet 24 hours alone does not seem to be enough anymore. Say goodbye to February, say goodbye to the month I wish I could wish someone Happy Birthday and Longevity, but he now lives in Eternity.

What was brewing, besides a couple of foiled vacation plans? Oh well, Lunar New Year celebration and visitations were still very much in order, for the first half of the month. Lots of feasting to celebrate the brand new year, for celebrating of other happy events, and friends' birthdays. With that came a fair bit of drinking as well, but what's new?

It was a fairly happy month where rewards for the day job were reaped and objectives fulfilled. It is time to focus back on the somewhat-neglected company on the side, but it seems ideas are sprouting up, making it pretty exciting for me.

No, make that a very happy month. I will be enrolling in French class finally, after so many years of not being able to doing it  (no thanks to endless barrage of excuses). Remember, I have always loved everything French - culture, language, food, music, fashion etc. I am so excited about being a student again, albeit on a part-time basis.

Then, a breakthrough for a beauty campaign came about, but details shall not be revealed for now.

Which brings me to the topic again - whenever people ask me if I am doing full-time blogging now, or if I am a full-time blogger, I really don't know how to react. Happy, because they think I write well enough, or have enough "influence"? Annoyed, because they think I am "not doing much", or at least not doing anything "more constructive"?  Well, I blog because I love writing, because friends have been asking me for recommendations since young, because there are periodical campaigns, and because I have met some pretty awesome friends through the blogging circle. I do have a full-time career and a little business on the side, thank you.

Then there was the Big Move, into The Beau's house finally. It is never easy trying to adapt and get used to each other's habits, especially when I am somewhat of a hygiene freak / rupophobic. It feels surreal whenever I return to his place, that we are now living together, just the two of us. Yet when I return to the Mom's place, I also feel like I no longer belong....

I do have a kind of walk-in wardrobe and a mini library at the new residence though.

It was International Polar Bears on the 27th! The closest I could get to the bears for now is through financial support of their initiatives, and through my cute polar plushies - meet Bosie and Cosie right there.

Then there were Chicago the Musical and St. Valentine's Day - the latter which we celebrated with a picnic.

I need to get back into shape physically, artistically and religiously.  Once the madness of changes and unpacking have settled down, I will have to work on these aspects without preamble.

In the meantime, thank you for gracing my site, my loves. Have a marvellous March ahead *kisses*