Dear Diary,
I couldnt believe that June has arrived and is knocking on the door. Shall I open it? Too late, its already sitting in the foyer!
Social-wise, there are the usual drinks, dinners and dances with my beloved friends. A good male friend of mine shall tie the knot in a week's time, so yes, the journey of attending weddings and baby christening ceremonies still prevail. I may be a step closer to enjoying the novel-perfect parties soon.
Work-wise, good news and mediocre news have formed themselves into a circle around me, so while there's smiles and sweat, there's also some significant changes in the schedules. I had a dream about publishing my books finally; and I for one, absolutely cannot wait.
Spiritual-wise, its all troughs and peaks. Sadly, the Tarot readings werent accurate - did I read them wrongly, or was the deck contaminated by the energy of another Toucher?
Otherwise, a trip abroad was cancelled, leaving me more time to work on my career, shopping (its the Sale season) and personal projects that are never-ending. There would be visits to touristy spots, as well. A yacht or cruise trip would just about make it perfect.... I am still immersed in the British and French cultures currently (the former being the results of mutual contacts and research for my books).
My male-sized Ego took a beating as well. Never in my entire life had I seen treatment this way, but I had brought it upon myself for not verifying properly. I guess I didnt expect a friend - or mutual friend - to do something this vile. That this person would disregard and disrespect my very clear message of disinterest (professionally-speaking) at this point in time. That this person would take the liberty of arranging a meeting without the basic courtesy to inform of a guest. Besides the initial shock which I was sure my mask hid, and the word-war laced with a tinge of defensiveness (which, if circumstances had been different, I might've been more open about things), I guess I handled the situation pretty well.
The blow was so low, though, that I knew at that point in time, that all bridges for friendship ties or even a joint-venture would be severed. I guess I never want to see that person ever again. Call me egoistic, I just found it utterly insulting. It makes this person no different from the MLM-salesmen who made use of my appointment to present their products, and it is no different from what I did years back, thus losing many friends along the way. Pardon my French, but fuck you, really.
In other news, stay tuned. I shall take my glass of Wine, mayhaps some meditation, and head into Morpheus' arms (oh, Morpheus, by the by - is the God of Dreams, just in case anyone doesnt follow the mythologies). Adieu, with lots of kisses and hugs.