Dear Diary
Another ten months of Time's slideshows have passed by, leaving me in the strange hands of November. I dont want the rain, I want the flakes.
And I want to make the most out of this month. Samhain (aka Halloween has barely passed and I'm already in the mood for Winter Solstice (Christmas). My feet cant wait to walk the malls, my eyes cant wait to spot good presents, my hands cant wait to touch fabrics for my gowns, and my lips cant wait to whistle to carols. Its all about the senses.
Passed an exam that should increase my sales portfolio. I didnt need to study much for it - even though I'd been a little fearful after hearing some colleagues mention failing them numerous times. Made some plans for vacations. Started on my writings again.
Made some dates with some of my favoritest girlfriends for catching up - I'm blessed to have you guys. I mean, I love the male friends I have - for a more practical insight into problems, for being there, making me laugh, for your support and brains. But equally I love love love my female friends for the gossips, shopping and catching up sessions, sharing what only we could and would, having fun and solving problems together. You are my gems.
A little bit of spiritual breakthrough. Not going to go into details here, aint even sure if I'm one step closer to heaven, but by all means, put my name down on the waiting list. Still keen to know what I was in a previous life, though. Dr. Goldsberg, why have you stopped doing PL meditations for people?
Been meeting weird people in my line of work. Granted, some of them eventually became friends or acquaintances, but some of them just strike the wrong chords in me. I can very nice, so nice you can take advantage of my niceties, but I can be very nasty too....and I no longer care about what others think of me, because quote, "Character is important because its what you are but reputation is only what others think you are".
Respect is a very important element everyone needs to learn. Respecting of others' privacy and personal space. Respecting of others' characters and behaviors (ok, this takes a little of the Psychology training I've underwent but never truly put into use). Respecting of others' jobs, races, religions, academic qualifications etc. Respecting of others' social circles - who has the right to criticize if someone is the right company or "quality friends"? I must've stuck with them for a reason, right? Even if you dont like who I'm hanging out with and cant accept them, you should at least accord me the respect not to belittle them in my presence.
And sharing a little of my Top Ten likes and dislikes. Oh well, it doesnt have to be your concern, sweethearts, just take it that I'm doing some self-reviews and comparing the list made a year back.
(i) French (the language, I'm taking it next year. The food - every single bit of it. The culture. The history- think Queen Mary Stuart and Marie Antoinette. The arts. The music)
(ii) Wine (red or ice)
(iii) Christian Dior (bags, accessories, cosmetics)
(iv) chocolates (dark, or those with raisins or cherries within their wombs)
(v) Blackberry (I'm this diehard supporter who just wont support any i-phone, pad, pod or otherwise)
(vi) Escapism (movies, books, music - all welcome)
(vii) animals (sometimes I love them more than humans - at least their intentions are purer)
(viii) Power - power suits, power in management, power in driven persons - fucking sexy. Including intellectual conversations- doesnt matter if we can hold quality debates or if I may sound like the interested party absorbing something I can't relate to.
(xi) old-fashioned trinkets like musical boxes, pocket watches, gramophones, old-fashioned antique phones etc
(x) vacations (especially the kinds where I get to infiltrate into the culture, learn and absorb it like the locals do)
(i) impudence (hate it, hate it, especially when it comes from people I already dislike. Simple things like not knowing when to say thank you or sorry, constantly on the phone messenger when out, interrupting my speech etc )
(ii) Whiners ( not just those who complain about everything, but also those who complain about others' flaws and commit the same mistakes- helloooooo, self-reflections!)
(iii) Broken promises - if you cannot fulfill it, dont give birth to a promise, please.
(iv) Noise - I am very sensitive to it
(v) Unfairness - biasness or accusations all fall under this category
(vi) tight spaces - I'm seriously claustrophobic
(vii) Abusers- of animals or humans. I'd do a voodoo doll against you anytime, or poison your drinks. Watch me.
(viii) Odors - how could someone not know it when they have bad breath or smell of sweat?
(xi) Dirt (yeah, I'm somewhat rupophobic)
(x) Being controlled - I do things at my pace and style - take it or leave it. You can't even try to influence the way I feel about someone, I prefer to form my own judgments, thank you. Don't try to be demanding towards me, I set my limits for a good reason.
Well, thats about it, sweethearts. Thanks for reading this. Stay tuned. Sending you off to the next page with kisses and hugs.