Dear Diary
I do not know where to begin. June has slowly crawled its way into 2012's belly and there's fire literally - its so hot I fear the icebergs will melt at the poles and we'll all die by draughts or floods eventually. Maybe the Mayans were prophetic- who knows?
I don't really care.
Last month had been like an episode out of some televised drama - the good fun and bad fun made up the rides of an emotional roller-coaster that I probably rode for the first time in my life. There was a holiday trip in which I enjoyed for the mountains and great food; there were celebrations for the good old mom; there was news that my book is ready for order soon; there was the great relevation that someone I trusted is a crook and I am am meeting my Lawyer to try to bring him to court, and then there was the visit from my best friend and her beau. So I played tour guide and enjoyed the mini tours and catching up as well.
Hectic-ness over, it is back to work, peace, meditation, studies of the Craft, financial planning for myself and more work. I am using a new business model. That, and I signed myself up as a volunteer in Red Cross and WWF.

And I got really interested in the news lately, greedily savoring them everyday, keeping myself busy on collecting knowledge on what's happening around the world these days. Disasters, shootings, accidents, financial crisises - good to know the world is making merry sadistically!
GARBAGE is coming to town in August. I have loved Shirley Manson's (isnt she lovely?) voice and the band's dark, cynical lyrics since young. They made sense (still do), and they dare to attack many topics on hand. I waited for over a decade and there's no way I will miss their gig here. Take a listen to their "Milk" , "The World is not Enough" and "Stroke of Luck" to get yourself familiarized.

At the meeting today, my director was flashing some picture of a French restaurant on the slide and when no one knew how to pronounce the name, he suddenly said," Elle looks french, do you know how to pronounce this?" Huh. What a stunner, Boss. He is not on my Facebook, nor do I do anything French in the office, so how does he know my penchant for it? I do read French, but I can't really speak it oops. Lessons are in order.
Till July, mon cheres.