Dear Diary
Here I am again, writing my monthly update, before my nightcap of Cabernet Sauvignon for the road to sweet slumber. The skies outside my window is reddened with the promise of rain, but sadly, the clouds refused to weep.
I enjoyed my last trip so very much - the vineyards, the koalas (they look like stuffed animals on trees), the pace of life, the stores, and the beauty of the place. In fact, I like it so much that I am beginning to research more on it, and similar places, for opportunities of migration someday.
My country is one that ranks incoming immigrants above its own citizens; and while I may be able to live through it for my generation, I fear for my descendants the kind of life they may have here. I have never, ever known or believed that foreigners going to a strange land have the right to criticize its people and culture, and even try to reform. Till now. More often, the critics are from countries that are underdeveloped and the people rather uncultured, which by right - them being allowed to work and live here, should be a blessing. But no, of course, they need us to accommodate them, give in to them, even integrate into their way of life. Wow, what are we - the Last Heaven on Earth replacing Bora Bora?
So, what else is new?
Wardrobe reform? I don't know. See, most of the times, I am in skirts or dresses. In fact, i am so seldom in pants I barely remember owning any. Lately, though, when I hit the malls, I will try on pantsuits or leggings / tights. I guess the right combination of blouse / shirt and accessories can create a very feminine look as well. Maybe its time for more changes...
I have been busy, with little time for social activities save for once or twice a week. There are many friends I miss, and long to catch up with soon.
I hold a day job now - a nine-sixer. The idea of waking up at dawn had daunted me at first, but I recovered from that rather quickly. I was used to a lifestyle of hitting the bed at 3am and waking only around 9am. This part has been changed, and it surprised me I could actually fall asleep before 2am without tossing and turning in fitful doses as I had expected. It is good returning to an old trade.
I joined an online marketing blogging platform as well (another blog). It is something like a pyramid concept. My pyramid has yet to receive its shares of buried treasures, but I will keep you posted, darlings, once I start to build it higher. It is fun to dawdle with in the meantime. Online marketing for a dinosaur like me? Yes.
Then... I also volunteered with the local Red Cross and World Wildlife Fund and have been helping out with assignments at times. It has been something I have been meaning to partake in since young. What better than giving something back to Mother Earth in a meaningful way and at the same time knowing more new faces?
I am working on my novel/s as well. Just discovered another arm of Macmillan looking for short stories too. So I have that to keep me busy in the publishing of my SECOND book.
Well... I also undertook a couple of assignments to impart my command of good English to some students. It doesnt take much to be linguistically-able, in fact languages are very fun subjects. I have the gift of it, so why not let more people enjoy the beauty of this gift?
Lastly, I am also involved in some property-related program that requires me to do recruitment and rental. Here is another aspect of trade I have always been keen to explore, but never had the time or guts to.
I am swamped, yes. This time, I can truly testify that being granted 24 hours a day is not sufficient at all. But mon cheries, what better than to learn, explore and get involved in new, interesting things while I do not have other commitments i.e. family for now? Being busy keeps me on my toes and keeps my mind from wandering to dark thoughts.
Life is full, and no one tells you how to live or run it, remember this, sweethearts.
In the meantime, I need to sign off for my nightcap and perhaps 40 winks of sleep before I get 40 wrinkles in the morning. Will keep you in my thoughts. Kisses