Dear Diary,
So, I have completed Step One of my resolution - of simply happening to things instead of letting them happen to me, ever again. It will not be an easy feat, but the mind, flesh and soul have to work very closely together hand-in-hand.
While I am thankful for all that have gone my way so far, the road ahead will still be unpredictable. I am not able to prepare for everything, but changing the way I see, and handle things, help a lot.
There has been some extravagant splurges this month, so it has put my shopping to a halt for now, while I focus on the new career on hand. There are bags (and a list of other things I intend to get soon), and the new Blackberry z10 in WHITE.
Training has been intensive so far, but I guess at least I am going into an industry for which I have always been keen in. While the last industry had been comfortable, a taint has prevented the possibility of reaching
professional status, hence I aborted the safe haven and ventured out. Farewell had been difficult, everyone there had been angels, but I guess angels' wings do have to spread and take off, eventually...
And the previous industry before last, will no longer be an available option for me ever again now, regrettably.
Well, new changes, new mindset, and new status soon. I am contemplating changing the name again, as I tire of this current one, and it had brought me a fair bit of trouble. But perhaps, I shall wait till the tides are over, then I will change the name again - the third and (hopefully, final) one that I have thought of, a long time ago.
Free time? Spent with the family, playing nurse this month, meeting the friends, and helping out with mon beau's and the bro's businesses. Slowly falling in love with Lana Del Rey's songs and voice day by day.
The extreme exhaustion I had been feeling previously had worn off, as did the tendency to feel cold very easily.
Call it blessings, or doing things my way, I can already begin the feel the changes slowly swallowing me up.
May all those I love be blessed, too.
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