Dear Diary,
Half the year has managed to squeeze by - not unnoticed, but still, I am amazed at the speed with which it travels... Does it really need to match lightning?
A couple of planned trips may have to be forgone, for now, due to some changes. Ahhh, pity, how I miss travelling.
But I am happy - i never used to think happiness was possible. Always used to think that contentment would suffice, but then I realize that I could go beyond it. I don't need a lot to be in a happy state - beautiful things make me happy ( so does shopping, this means!). Chilling out at new restaurants / cafes / lounges make me happy. Catching up with old friends and meeting new friends make me happy. Reading a good book, watching a good play or movie, taking a vacation, trying out a new activity and partying make me happy as well. Doing something meaningful like charity work or helping someone in need makes me happy, too. The catch is, there should be an assortment of the abovementioned events in my weekly planner to make me truly satisfied.
I love new experiences. Sports, painting a canvass, visiting a museum, dressing up for an overpriced dinner, playing tour guide to foreign friends, playing a musical instrument - I am up for anything, even if it means I may only get to try it once In my lifetime. Why grow old without getting to try something new or interesting? I am not super wealthy - and lately Mommy Dearest just loves reminding me of that windfall I was entitled to, if not for my blind faith - but one has to manage their own resources to make room for therapies ( spa, retail, adrenalin, binge, culture...)
There is a song that I can relate to, by Charlene. Yes, I have never been to me. Call it masks, facades, versatility...mirrors tell lies. i search my soul and often, puzzle over who / what I truly am. My favorite quote by Shakespeare goes "All the world's a stage, the men and women merely actors" ... Your Body is a temple - worship it well, and it will give you whatever you want, do whatever you ask, bring you wherever you wish to head to...
My dreams at night are starting to come true again... And this fascinates me. A chance encounter with someone whom I thought I would never see again, has thus confirmed it.
Lastly, I have gotten rid of the dilemma and came to a final decision. The seekers just keep coming, each one bearing a better ....reward. Honestly, I am flattered, and as such I thank whichever Entity that hath blessed... More to come in the next update, promise me that you'd stay tuned...