Dear Diary,
here is my monthly update, one that is outdated because today is Mayday aka Labour Day. I hope you guys are faring better than me because I have developed a routine of work-home balance, haha! But fret not, I enjoy what I am doing, with the job and the sides and the freelance assignments.
As I turn over to another page of the calendar to note that May has stolen its way into our lives, it feels so surreal. Where did the rest of the days go? What happened in April 2015 itself?
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There was a new start in a familiar capacity, not sure how to put it across, but I definitely am back on grounds I know too well. It is both exciting and exhilarating at the same time. The sides I currently have are efforts-centric, I realise - meaning to say, once I stop doing the tasks, the monitoring or the writing, the stream of income halts. I need to find something passive-generating as another side.
That aside, planning for the nuptials that would be taking place exactly a year later - not too busy for now, because I already have an idea of exactly what I want and need. Planning for a short but well-deserved vacation too - one that will take place before the long one in September. I cannot wait!
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April was the month of the Dead, as the Chinese Ching Ming Festival fell in this month. One may look upon it as the Samhain (more commonly known as "Halloween") of the Chinese tradition, where we go tomb-sweeping and make offerings for the ancestors and loved ones who have departed. For the first time in my entire life, we followed the maternal relations to the cemetery this year.
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Besides that, it incorporated Good Friday, the day Christ bled his last for mankind.
April was also the month of the Living, with Christ rising from the dead. We had Easter a week later, not exactly a celebration but the tradition was more or less observed.
And of course, someone had her birthday in April as well :)
Besides the celebration with the family (Yan Ting at St. Regis) and the Beau (White Rabbit at Dempsey), dinner and drinks with the bro and SIL at Jamie's Italian + Post Bar @ Fullerton, there were the dinners with many friends - thank you precious darlings!! Yes, I had my cakes and ate them too!
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In fact, there were many consecutive days of Japanese food - one of my very favourite cuisine, making me utterly happy. No, the happier events were the catching up with a couple of friends I'd considered long-lost, and probably even "lost" somewhere in time. I was glad they had resurfaced, and was glad for the meet-ups.
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Last but not least, a little more of community work cum other extra-curricular activities. So much things to learn and complete, so little time.... Then there are the exercise slots and driving lessons as well...
Oh, the music of choice for now would be MUSE - awesome tunes and vocals. I loved them a while back, but now it's rekindled. Check out their tracks "Unintended", "Resistance", "Supremacy" and "Sing for Absolution".
Anyway, till then for now. Do await my updates in May ok - more exciting things coming up, I promise. In the meantime, thanks for gracing my site and stay loved !