Dear Diary
It is yet another month slowly sailing through the seas of time. It has been a rainy Summer. In fact, today, traffic was so bad that I was kept on the bus for an hour - my usual traveling time to work is ten minutes. The best part was? The damned bus broke down a stop before mine. It just makes me frustrated to think, how screwed the local transport system is, to break down everytime there is a flood or heavy rain. And we call this "world class transport".
Been feeling stressed and not too stellar for the past weeks. I do not know who exactly is reading my blog, because all I see from my trackers are ip-addresses. But details shall not be disclosed here... I felt strangely calm, even tranquil... but I knew I was somewhat depressed. My comfort food were Coke and chocolates. I did not sleep much as well. Though, I thought I should be feeling much stronger emotions than this numbed tranquility.
Sometimes, gloomy feelings like these provoke so much thoughts in me. Even silent reproaches towards myself. I throw myself the question "What right do you have to feel depressed?" Exactly that. What right do I, do many others, have to get all upset, melodramatic and act like life is mistreating us? Many times, our emotions and thoughtforms are caused by our own lack of control, and worse still, our unwillingness to exercise due control. We think the world is coming to an end on a daily basis, we become uncaring towards others, we weep in the wee hours of the night and hate majority of other lifeforms because of our own imbalances. Yet, most of the times, our misfortunes are by no means greater than those who have perhaps, lost their homes to arson, lost their loved ones due to disasters, lost mobility because of limbs' malfunctions etc. Pray tell, then why do we let our emotions affect us more so, than those who truly suffer.
Mayhaps they are stronger. Their willpower precedes ours. Like recently, I volunteered at a home for the disabled. Seeing these people, witnessing how they go about their lives in such nonchalant and cheerful manners...I
realized they are stronger than us in many ways. I like partaking in charity events and giving to the less fortunate - a little bit of a philanthropic - but I guess its one of the few things that can bring out the caring factor in me. On the streets, usually I am uncaring towards mortal beings. I would dote on an animal more than to care about a stranger on the streets.
Life has been work, work, work. I managed to squeeze some time out for dinners with longtime friends. Foie gras, seafood, steaks, sashimi. Yum yum.
A friend tried to preach about Christianity to me yesterday. We kind of got into a tiff over it, which I felt was a completely imbecile thing. I was a stout Christian sometime ago - but that was before I fully understood the religion. I am not implying there is anything wrong about being Christian - or Muslim - or Jew - or Buddhist - or Hindu etc, for that matter. I just feel, and believe that Religion is a very personal thing. All of us have our own spiritual experience, our own faith and miracles that happened to us. We connect with different teachings out there, and feel comfortable with different groups, covens, etc.
A true believer of any religion would not attempt to impose their religion upon others. Especially they understand that the other party loathes hearing about "the gospel". I love my DEITIES for a reason. It does not matter whether there is one god, or multiple gods, or no god. This is not for us to argue upon, as long you one believes their god/s exist. I am Wiccan and I am proud to be one. I have a tattoo on my back to announce it. I found that religion because its teachings are purely beautiful, embraces nature, and I have enjoyed a fair share of blessings by my Goddesses and Gods. There are many misconceptions about Wicca. Some people deem it to be "Satanic" - and this is totally wrong. Others believe we use spells to harm others, or attain what we want by force. These are complete myths too. Like all religions, there is a black and white side. Wiccan does not encourage harm or alteration by one's will by force. It is a very misunderstood religion. I would love to share more about it in another entry, perhaps July's.
At least, I dont preach against dishonesty and yet instigate others to lie for my benefit - and still call myself a (worthy) disciple of my God.
Lastly, something very strange took place on Sunday. I was at work, and casually told two colleagues that they would close a huge case each (I will not mention the exact figures). Bear in mind that for this particular road show location, there had not been such large cases for a year (at least). Both of them secured their huge cases shortly after my "prophecy". Then I related this incident to another colleague, who playfully asked for prediction. I gave it to her, with the exact breakdown of her case sizes. The latter came true as well. She and I were both spooked.
I always knew I had a little clairvoyance in me.... some sort of unexplainable powers. I had dreams that came true. I passed certain tests of life in means not conventional. I have predictions that come true (dated way back). I "see" odd visions, especially when under the induction of songs.
Listen to Amethystium's and Vangelis' albums. Tell me if you dont fall in love with them....
All right, mon cheries, I am tired. Have to wake in 4 hours' time. Miss travelling overseas. See you again in the arms of Morpheus. Smooocchhesss....