Dear Diary,
July has come and went like a whirlwind, a dream - just like Feith's long-awaited visit. Somewhat surreal, but there were good memories to behold.
It was a busy month - plenty of road shows, a mini-trip overseas for training and team bonding. Then Feith's visit - which I brought her to old places for reminisces, new places for exploration, meeting different groups of my friends, and haunted hotel stays. And some catching up meals or singing sessions with my femme fatale amigas. A rigor no-carb, mostly cereals and salads; and low-meat diet is in order.
I love July for its excitement, but it was also a heartbreaking month - there were crescendos of endings; fearsome thoughts of new beginnings, and finally, soothing silence. Like a beautiful musical piece- orchestrated by unseen hands of Mother Nature.
There were also rumors that went around, baffling me. Do rumors ever contain any trace of truth, like fading rainbows that stronger sun-rays would obliterate easily; or are rumors pure fabrications, like the horizon between skies and seas (the horizon that does not, in reality, exist. It is but a visual effect, a fragment of our imagination...)? They do not really bother me - mayhaps, they may bother my reputation - but the important point is, the people who matter to me know, and believe the truth, and that solely suffices.
I am caught in a dilemma truely. Pray tell, between (A) an incentive holiday trip that you've worked hard for (let's strip all the honor, glory, pride etc that ride along with this trip), fully paid for by the company, and relaxing fun.... and (B) being a bridesmaid for a close friend, and you have already given your word four months ago (implying that if you break your promise at the last moment, there might be serious and dire consequences to the friendship)... which would you choose? The dates clash badly, and you just got to know the date for the former event a week ago.
Well I don't know about you - but I reckon, I would choose years of friendship and my promise over this fun, honor, holiday package.
I love my Deities.