Independent July

Happy July 4th! Its Independence we seek, and its what we shall get!
I dont know how July will fare, but I would love for pictures, lyrics and my own Quotes to tell my story for this month.... I feel like revamping myself - my life is becoming a la the Case of Benjamin Button, at times...
hasta la vista, kisses.

My Quotes
#1: My hatred for you would drive me to work harder than I've ever before- it may be the wrong source of motivation, but perhaps I would need to thank you instead... when results are shown...
#2: "The law is reason free from passion" ..... and we, human beings, are passion free from reasons....more often than not...
#3: Unsatiated wants eventually become Needs...
I have been working really hard this month, and onwards. I'd nearly forgotten how wonderful and sextifying it is, to work really hard, and reap the results of seeds sown. Some shopping done as well...