The night is still young but I can feel the call of the Dream God, beckoning me into his arms. However, my mind is too active, and refuses to be taken in by the lure of sweet dreams easily.
I should be heading to pen a few pages for my novels later on, but now, I should extend a warm welcome to August, shouldnt I?
August - the month three of my closest girlfriends have their birthdays - stay gorgeous and happy, *Charliez, *Priscilla and *Nikki. You know my love's with you, always.
August - the month I'm still continuing my Vegan diet. You should really watch this video, on the cruelty of treatment to animals. Perhaps, this shall strengthen my love for Nature and my bond with my Pagan faith? I just think that animals shouldnt be ill-treated or tortured just so human beings get to enjoy their body parts, and I really hate it that these innocent, innocuous and adorable lifeforms are being hurt.
Oh, you don't know this side of me - Im aloof and cold, often; even cruel, but I have very soft spots for animals. To me, I'd rather see evil human beings get tortured and sacrificed than these harmless animals whose only faults in life's probably the inability to defend themselves.
I wish I could inject more emotions and personal updates onto this Blog of mine, but someone please tell me, what to write on?
Guilt? Two incidents made me realize that people have strange and rather cowardly ways of showing their guilt, unwittingly. Besides the usual suspects who often loudly exclaim or overly-discuss crimes or faults committed by other potential suspects, I've learned that silent consent is a new form of guilt admittance, as well. I should've acquired knowledge of it back when I studied Law, but I guess its not one of those things you practice enough to remember on a daily basis.
Culprit A did something to cause embarrassment and hurt to me, thus burning all bridges of all possible platonic or professional friendships...there was no explanation or apologies offered, but his silent acceptance of being removed from my linked sites and keeping a distance at a recent "bumped-into" event suffice to tell me that he has silently acknowledged his mistake and is too ashamed to come forward to even say "hi". Culprit B had the audacity to dump a boxload of used tissues and other trash on my new office desk. When I tossed the box back onto her desk, and took the liberty of tossing a couple of her table-dressings into the box, she acquisced to her wrongdoing in silence and dared not make demands to find out who'd returned the disgusting box to her.
Its really funny, how people cannot simply apologize and make things right. An issue of pride, which cannot even feed our tummies or fulfill our desires? Or simply cowardice, the reluctance to face the painful music by their consequences? To begin with, more thoughts before actions could've prevented these stupid situations that warrant recovery or solutions.
I cant say that I'm fault-proof, but I am good at gathering enough evidence to support everything I do or say. I am not afraid to apologize for my mishaps, as well.
That said, I guess 'tis enough for now, another side revealed. I actually wonder if I have some form of sober multiple-personality-disorders or is it just versatility at play.
Well, five more months to work really hard before serious play.
Kisses for the next thirty days before I see you again. Bon nuit!
Oddly, the other night I dreamed of Dionysus. The thing was that, I didnt even know who he was, at least not consciously. So i went to Yahoo him, and found out that he was the God of Wine, Theater and Ecstasy, three of my favorite things. What sign am I getting here, I wonder?
My eldest Aunt recently passed on - a coma took over and stealthily stole her last breath. I am saddened, because she used to take care of our family when we were younger; and it is very surreal that at the next festivities, I would not be seeing her again. I hope the Deities watch over her, protect her soul and bless her. Life is so fragile...