Dear Diary,
This morning I woke up to Darkness lingering outside my frosty windows and was tempted to slip back into it.
It is February, still a very cold month in many countries, it appears. Mayhaps the predictions about the end of the world is not too far-fetched, since the weather patterns are a-changing, and natural disasters are taking the earth by storm.
If the world is truly dying slowly, I would just spend all my monies on vacations around the globe, absorbing every bit of culture and the beauty of the foreign lands, admiring all the art-forms, and trying out every adventure and cuisine available. I would write a journal on it - who knows, a few centuries some future archaeologists may dig it up and discover what Earth used to be like, during this period.
I love the Spring Equinox. There was massive clearance of things I no longer needed, or felt the need to keep. I also rearranged alot of things in my room; I'd read in a Wiccan book before that it is always good to re-position objects in a certain environment regularly, to allow a good flow of energy. This part was the hard work, both physically and emotionally - physically, because of the need to shift the items around and double-confirm everything I was discarding; emotionally, because as I went through the keepsakes I was re-discovering parts of myself that I'd forgotten about. But I definitely felt alot better after the entire fiasco - dust to dust, ashes to ashes, as I toss ye to the fires, burn ye with the pains of the past...
There were visits to the homes of families, friends and clients, where I enjoyed great food and cookies and catching up over games of Blackjack. There was a mini tour conducted for relatives from abroad who were visiting. There were shopping and meeting of friends and I'd started another novel in this short week. I am excited, and eager to finish it soon, alongside the other two novels I am working on.
There are dinners and trips coming up, something to look forward to now that the festivities have cleared.
I bought a book today, since the author himself, Tony Gordon, was in town. I thought his book was very easy to read, and inspirational, and it was an autographed copy, anyway. I bought it in the hope of doing better in my business, but also, for a clearer understanding of the insurance sales industry in the U.K. since two of my novels evolve around that. It was almost like a sign from my Deites, since I do not know any insurance sales personnel in the U.K. personally.
The rate that time is flying by is scary. I wish I had more of it, or that I could rewind back to the periods I have chosen the wrong paths to wander. But alas, everything could be cheated - the law, death, love, games, money.... but we can never cheat TIME. I wish I could, but it always outsmarts me; it cheats me instead.
Come back soon, even though I need to pen off now.
Kisses, and flying kisses...