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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Just January 2018

Dear Diary,

The time capsule has propelled us into 2018, a fresh start, for better or for worse. For the first part of the year I was still largely trapped in the Vancouver spell, feeling lost and moonless for everything else - disturbed sleep with dreams of Vancouver, extreme fatigue, and an unfamiliarity for everything here.

That spell is over, thankfully, and as I list down short term goals one by one, I am determined to attain them. One of them involves more seminars for the year, which will also lead to increasing the protective sphere. Oh, grabbing the wheels finally, too (yes, this has been a resolution for ages but time mismanagement + lack of discipline have prevented me from attaining it.

Shopping, lots of reading, lots less eating, some more exercise and events have taken over January for now. Oh, and a yatching adventure which has also been my post-Vancouver remedy, totally, totally, made the month beautiful. Once again I am reminded of my love of the seas, breezes and sense of infinite freedom, while the sun rays kissed my skin golden.

There're also at least 2 vacations confirmed and booked for the year (Hong Kong and Australia) with Indonesia pending exact dates. Oh, and preparation for the upcoming Lunar New Year and some family events have kept me busy too.

That's it for now I guess. Keep you posted in a month's time - thanks for watching this space. Blessed New Year to you dears 😘😘😘


(i) EPL Brazilian at Nue Lifestyle @ Bugis 
(ii) Chinese New Year Tasting at Amara Hotel
(iii) Chinese New Year Tasting at Ellenborough Market Cafe @ Swissotel Merchant Court
(iv) Yacht Charter with Ximula Sail