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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Fulfilling February 2018

Dear Diary,

February has made its entrance and exit swiftly, being a busy month of festivities, feasting, family and friends'  functions.

Before that, glad to update that work and the business are moving forward smoothly, with a couple of surprises that I enjoyed thoroughly. I also signed up for a couple of courses which shall be announced when I have successfully passed the tests in a couple of months. But these are enough to keep me really busy in the interim.

Oh, and jumping onto the crypto-currency bandwagon.

Moving on, there are finalizations for more vacations, which I am excited about. Bad news though, that I will be stuck in this house for another 4 years (shorter, if I can help it) - which I hate - since I hate anything inhibited by others before. Anyway, I tried my best to discard everything that have been used before, and set about redecorating to my taste and style (everything brand new, of course) - think branded WMF cookware, piano, wine chiller etc.

There was Valentine's Day as well, which we celebrated at home with wine, candlelight and a delicious steak dinner set from Jack's Place.

Also, the preparation for Lunar New Year - tons of foodstuff to buy, shipping for new clothes, changing of new notes, ensuring the house is spring-cleaned, beauty and hair appointments to look good. During the festive period itself, there were visitations, friends'  gatherings, bringing overseas guests around to the touristy spots, and lots of feasting. Oh, and visiting the hospital to spread the joy to the elderly residents.

Oh, and I also started on a healthier lifestyle - less eating, eliminating carbohydrates strictly, drinking less, drinking a lot of water in place of sweet drinks (even when outside), and exercising thrice a week at least. These, and better skincare and haircare products and regime too.

Music and meditation will soon join the lifestyle routine, enabling me to be closer to my religion and unlocking the gifts I know reside in me.

In the meantime, thank you dears for reading this entry - see you end of March. Lots of love and kisses x0x0x0

Events and Media Invites:
  1. Event at K. Blu Swim @ Mandarin Gallery
  2. Aimin Acupuncture Slimming Review
  3. Astalift and Sample Store Beauty Event
  4. Review on Classic Facial @ Resveralife
  5. CO2 Fractional Laser Review @ Dore Aesthetics
  6. Spa Review @ Yunomori Onsen & Spa